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Icons in Rize

Икона "Казанская" в ризе, 11x13 см
Reference: 00-098-01_13
€12.70 (VAT incl.)
"KAZANSKAYA MOTHER of GOD" - the main icon of Russia, the Protectress of the Russian people, especially in heavy troubled times. All major events in life are with her, starting with baptism. The icon gives the...
Икона "Иверская" в ризе, 11x13 см
Reference: 00-101-01_9
€12.70 (VAT incl.)
"IVERON MOTHER of GOD" - the Keeper of the hearth. She is the patroness of all women, their helper and intercessor before the Lord. The icon, which removed "the crown of celibacy" as with men and with women. Before...
Икона "Матрона" в ризе, 11x13 см
Reference: 00-102-01_6
€12.70 (VAT incl.)
"BLESSED MATRONA" is a very strong Saint of modern times. Address her by any severe issue. It is our most "fast helper and intercessor, policlinica for us before the Lord. Power is in women's Pokrovsky monastery on...
Икона "Николай чудотворец" в ризе, 11x13 см
Reference: 00-096-01_5
€12.70 (VAT incl.)
"SAINT NICHOLAS the WONDERWORKER" - a favourite Saint of the Russian people. It protects from poverty and want: when the icon is in the house, he sees to it that the house was wealth, saves from want. In addition, he...
Икона "Пантелеймон-целитель" в ризе, 11x13 см
Reference: 00-099-01_7
€12.69 (VAT incl.)
"The HOLY MARTYR PANTELEIMON" is the great healer, patron of physicians. Even when life has brought healing to many people from serious illnesses. And now from the icon with the image of the Saint Panteleimon people...
Икона "Вседержитель" в ризе, 11x13 см
Reference: 00-100-01_14
€12.70 (VAT incl.)
“Christ Pantocrator” "Christ Pantocrator" is often just "the Savior" or "Savior" is the Central image in the iconography of Christ, the Heavenly King. "I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, says...
Икона "Матрона" в ризе, 9 x 11 см
Reference: 00-184-6001
€9.90 (VAT incl.)
«БЛАЖЕННАЯ МАТРОНА» - очень сильная святая современности. К ней обращаются по любому тяжёлому вопросу. Она наша самая «скорая помощница» и заступница, молительница за нас перед Господом. Мощи находится в женском...
Икона "Владимирская БМ" в ризе, 9 x 11 см
Reference: 00-090-6007
€9.90 (VAT incl.)
«ВЛАДИМИРСКАЯ БОЖИЯ МАТЕРЬ» - написана евангелистом Лукой. Икона считается одним из наиболее чтимых образов Пресвятой Богородицы на Руси. Перед этой иконой короновались цари и избирались первосвятители. Перед ней...
Икона "Святая троица" в ризе, 11x13 см
Reference: 00-097-01_11
€12.70 (VAT incl.)
"The HOLY TRINITY" - was painted by Andrei Rublev. The character "Trinity" is God the Father, God the son, God the Holy Spirit. Or - wisdom, intelligence, love. One of the three major icons that should be in every...


